The four-part documentary series goes behind years of sensational headlines to reveal the private story of one of Hollywood's most notorious and public scandals: the accusation of sexual abuse against Woody Allen involving Dylan, his then 7-year-old daughter with Mia Farrow; their subsequent custody trial; the revelation of Allen’s relationship with Farrow’s daughter, Soon-Yi; and the controversial aftermath in the years that followed. Along with new investigative work — pieced together through intimate home movie footage, court documents, police evidence, revelatory videotapes, and never-before-heard audio tapes — the series includes exclusive and deeply moving interviews with Mia, Dylan, and Ronan Farrow themselves.


“Here’s a documentary about a writer-director who’s already been cast aside, showing both how he overcame it once and even more rigorously arguing why he, and others like him, can’t be allowed to do it again. In short, it works. After this documentary, no one should want to hear from Allen for a very, very long time.”
— IndieWire
"But putting Dylan on screen, at age 7 and, through earlier home-movie footage, even younger, underscores just how terribly fragile and vulnerable she was. The world has only known the adult Dylan, the one strong enough to come forward knowing that she would undoubtedly face a torrent of abuse and worse—and knowing even then that she still might not be believed. But it’s not just her we have to deal with. It’s the little girl on the tape, telling us her story, telling us it was wrong."
— Slate
“Allen v. Farrow goes beyond the scandalous headlines and makes a compelling argument that Allen got away with the unthinkable thanks to his fame, money and revered standing in the world of film — and that a little girl never received justice. The documentarians pored over years of custody trial evidence, home movies, recorded phone conversations, photo exhibits and more, piecing together a harrowing picture of Allen as an abuser and master manipulator and Dylan as his silenced, disbelieved victim."
— LA Times
“Allen v. Farrow is an overdue reckoning with Mia and Dylan’s story and the mores of an entire cultural moment. Like the Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland, which starkly placed his survivors’ perspectives in the foreground, it forces us to confront uncomfortable truths. As it connects the dots, methodically and gruesomely, you’ll never see Allen the same way again.”
— Buzzfeed News